kernMail Plataforma de inserción
Soluciones modulares para un inserción eficiente

La nueva estrategia de plataforma se basa en dos sistemas de ensobrado, cada uno de ellos disponible en diferentes clases de rendimiento. Están diseñados para procesar volúmenes de trabajo de medios a altos.

Las versiones Kern 1600 y Kern 3200 tienen capacidad multiformato: el cambio de formato automático, sencillo y rápido es estándar. La modularidad y la productividad son las principales prioridades.

En función de las necesidades del cliente, se puede combinar el sistema óptimo con la relación precio-rendimiento ideal a partir de los distintos módulos básicos.

Además, los sistemas de ensobrado pueden adaptarse posteriormente a las necesidades cambiantes del cliente. Otra gran ventaja es que todos los módulos se basan en la misma tecnología de control.

Novedades (5/9)

Kern is delivering the last new Kern 2600 inserting system to a customer in Japan, which is operating in the energy sector.

This marks the end of a particularly significant era that began with the Kern 2000.

Three questions for...Udo Schäfer, Head of Outputmanagement, ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH

Interview series in which we ask our employees, customers and partners about Kern solutions and products. They are each asked three questions to highlight their view of current topics. We continue with three questions about the Kern 3200 for Udo Schäfer, Head of Outputmanagement, ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH

Three questions for...Markus Burmeister, Head of Printing and Inserting Centre, Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (German Pension Insurance Association) in Berlin

Interview series in which we ask our employees, customers and partners about Kern solutions and products. They are each asked three questions to highlight their view of current topics. We continue with three questions about the Kern 3200 for Markus Burmeister, Head of Printing and Inserting Centre, Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (German Pension Insurance Association) in Berlin.

Hans Put is the new Sales and Business Development Manager at Kern N.V. Belgium

Competent and experienced: Hans Put has been the new Sales and Business Development Manager at the Kern subsidiary in Belgium since January 1.

Kern Group repositions itself for the future.

Personnel and structural reorganization at all levels. A spirit of optimism at the Kern Group: With the new management trio in the strategic and operational business, Caroline and Barbara Kern, together with Stefan Wüthrich, want to continue the success story of the traditional Swiss family business.

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